Illinois House Joint Resolution 19 calls for an Article V 
Convention of States
to limit the scope, jurisdiction, and spending of the federal government

About Us
We are a very small group of volunteers who identify with the concerns of a very large majority of Americans. Congressional approval ratings routinely drop into the single digits, and well over 60% of those surveyed agree with statements like, "I have no say in what the federal government does," and "Federal officials are usually taking care of their friends instead of doing the right thing." Our problems are bigger than one politician or party, and that's why elections can't fix them.

Our supporters include Democrats and Republicans, socialists and capitalists, Occupiers and Tea Partiers, union members and entrepreneurs. We are black, white, Latino, Asian, and multi-racial.

We agree with Bernie Sanders when he says "The system is rigged."

We agree with President Obama that "You can't change Washington from the inside."

We agree with former Senator Jim DeMint, who recalls, "I went to Washington to drain the swamp, and discovered that my colleagues had decided that it was a hot tub."

We know that the divide in America is no longer left vs. right…it's the political insiders vs. the rest of us.

We underwrite our own expenses and run on a shoestring. No paid staff. No downtown office. A website that costs less than $30 a month to maintain. We pay for our own gasoline. We print cheap, half-page flyers in black & white. There are no power brokers or multi-millionaires pulling our strings. Know why? Because they're part of the problem, and they're scared to death that they'll lose their privileges if we get our way.

We don't want your private information or your money! We DO want you to tell everyone you know, especially your state legislators in Springfield, about HJR 19.